Ann Arbor Knit In

The Ann Arbor Knit In group blog!

Saturday, November 26, 2005

HP Geeks Knit!

We haven't been blogging here much, but we have been hanging out at the cafe, knitting irresponsibly and generally causing trouble.

Here's Denise and Kim, furiously knitting on their Harry Potter scarves. Don't tell them that the movie already came out. Slackers.

And here's Ingrid knitting some lace in the palette of the Australian landscape:


At December 07, 2005 11:56 AM, Blogger Jennie said...

I MISS YOU GUYS LIKE MAD! I have yet to find a knitting group that meets when I'm not at work. Or that will email me back and say they still exsist. Every Tuesday night, even though I'm at work, I think "I should be at Sweetwaters. Even if it is a gazillion hours away"


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